If you have browsed a lot of Internet sites, you have probably stumbled upon some error message now and again. An error could take place when the web hosting server cannot process a request (Error 400), if you need to log in so as to see some content and you have not done so (Error 401), if you aren't allowed to access a webpage (Error 403) or if a link leads to a file that is not on the server (Error 404). Getting such messages can sometimes be annoying because the pages have absolutely nothing in common with the actual website. That’s why some web hosting companies allow you to apply your own error pages that'll match the design of your own website and that may have any content which you would like - info why the error has taken place, a suggestion how to handle it or even some witty comment. This type of feature will help you keep the visitor on the site regardless of the error and the reason for it.
Custom Error Pages in Website Hosting
If you get a website hosting plan from us, you'll be able to set custom made error pages for your sites quickly and easily, as this feature is part of all of our packages. As soon as you've created the files and uploaded them to your hosting account, you can go to the Hosted Domains section of your Hepsia Control Panel and click on the Edit button for the selected domain or subdomain. In the pop-up that will show up, you shall see drop-down options menus for all four sorts of errors and for each one of them you could choose an Apache default page, a generic page from our system or a personalized page. Should you select the 3rd option, you should simply enter the URL to the file that you have uploaded and save the change. Another way to set custom made error pages is to create an .htaccess file inside the domain or subdomain folder and to add several lines of code in it. If you don't have previous experience or if you are simply not sure how to do that, you could just copy/paste the code from our Knowledge Base article on that matter.
Custom Error Pages in Semi-dedicated Servers
When you host your web sites in a semi-dedicated server account from our company, you'll be able to set custom error pages for any of them with ease using our custom Hepsia hosting CP. With only several clicks in the Hosted Domains section, you can edit the default setting from a system page to a tailor-made one for each of the four error types. All you need to do is supply a link to every single file you have uploaded before that and then save the change. If necessary, you'll be able to revert this customization at any time and in exactly the same way. If you would like, you could use an .htaccess file as well. It should be created/uploaded in the domain or subdomain folder associated with the internet site whose error pages you intend to modify and the content for this sort of file can be found in our Help article on this matter.